By far, the best solution for any ski equipment store is its own bootfitting workshop. Firstly, bootfitting experts always promptly advise the client on boots' choice, increasing the sales of boots. Secondly, they adjust the order of the goods so that only good shoes that are easy to sell are sold. Finally, adjusting the boots takes minimum time, which improves store image, thus significantly increasing sales. In addition, your workshop also brings extra revenue by itself. Everything in owning an in-store workshop is good except that it takes significant resources to be set up and managed. This is where we offer a turnkey solution: a bootfitting workshop franchise.
You only have to:
- Sign a franchise agreement and pay an individually determined entry fee.
- Allocate a place in your store for the workshop
What we do:
- We supply a complete set of all the necessary tools for a comprehensive service.
- We configure the workshop.
- We select and train workshop personnel.
- We implement an accounting and reporting system.
- We order all the necessary supplies.
- We control the quality of work.
- We include the workshop in our network and promote it within the framework of our programs.
What do you get:
- A ready-made workshop.
- An additional service for bootfitting right in your store.
- Income from the workshop operations.
We will gladly and promptly answer all your questions:
- address198515, 198515, Russia
S-Petersbourg str 108-2-1 - phone +7 921 9122268
- phone +7 921 9122268